Where to Get Boxes for Moving (with Free Alternatives)

Updated March 1, 2024 · 5 min read

Where do I find packing boxes near me? How do I get them cheaper? We'll answer those questions and more.

Starting a move can often feel stressful, especially when you start packing. One of the early issues? Where to get boxes for moving. You also need to ensure you have the right boxes too— meaning they should be durable and good quality.

Where to get boxes for moving

Outfitting your move doesn't have to mean spending a fortune. There's a wide range of options for snagging moving boxes on the cheap or even for free.

In this guide, we'll share all the best places to find the right moving box, boxes, or packing materials. Secure your cargo without breaking the bank and guarantee an efficient and budget-friendly move.

Here are places to get boxes for a better packing process. Choose the right space by checking each one out.

1) Online 

The first place you should check when you need anything is online. Many businesses sell moving boxes to home movers— us included. If you need boxes, we’ve got some great options for you. Check out our shop to buy boxes from us.

Online marketplaces like Amazon and Craigslist are some other online options for finding new and used moving boxes. You can filter your search to locate the best deals and verify the quality of used boxes through photos and seller ratings. Always prioritize safety by choosing secure payment options and arranging safe exchange meet-up locations.

2) Retailers and Home Improvement Stores

At Home Depot, Lowe's, and U-Haul, you'll find a comprehensive selection of moving boxes designed to fit every requirement, from compact to oversized options, along with specialized containers for electronics and kitchenware. 

In fact, many of these retailers provide all kinds of boxes. You can mostly find:

  • Packing boxes;
  • Cardboard boxes;
  • Wine boxes;
  • And more.

These stores offer attractive pricing and discounts on bulk orders, ensuring you can affordably secure the boxes you need, from just shipping a few belongings to outfitting an entire home move.

3) Local Businesses

Many local establishments, including grocery, liquor stores, and bookshops, are usually willing to part with boxes they plan to recycle, offering them to you at no cost. To secure these, approach the management or staff courteously, expressing your need for moving boxes. 

Timing is critical; inquire when they typically restock shelves, as this is when boxes are most abundant, often in the morning or late evening.

4) Specialty Box Providers

Specialty box providers cater to those needing sturdy, purpose-built packaging for specific items like wardrobes, dishes, and mirrors. These specialized boxes are designed to protect your fragile and valuable items at moving supply stores and online shops. 

Opting for these boxes is a smart move to keep your treasured possessions safe while they're on their way to your new place, making sure they land in your hands just as perfectly as they left, free from any harm.

5) Free Alternatives and Creative Solutions

Finding community locations such as schools, recycling facilities, and neighborhood centers might help you find a lot of free boxes if moving on a tight budget. 

Packaging creatively with baskets, containers, and bags is more economical and gives your move a greener, more ecologically friendly feel.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best way to find free moving boxes?

To snag free moving boxes, your best bet is to swing by local shops, grocery outlets, and neighborhood centers. Remember to dive into online hubs like Craigslist and see if anyone is giving up free boxes.

How many boxes do I need for my move?

The boxes you'll need can change depending on the move. However, we’ve found that these sets are the most fitting for moves based on the size of the home: 

5-6 Bedroom Houses

  • 30 x Large Tea Chest 103L Moving Box;
  • 30 x Medium 58L Moving Box; and
  • 15 x Small 40L Moving Box.

3-4 Bedroom Houses

  • 20 x Large Tea Chest 103L Moving Box;
  • 20 x Medium 58L Moving Box; and
  • 15 x Small 40L Moving Box.

1-2 Bedroom Houses

  • 10 x Large Tea Chest 103L Moving Box;
  • 15 x Medium 58L Moving Box; and
  • 10 x Small 40L Moving Box.

Conveniently, we’ve created three different bulk packages using these house-size guides. Check them out here.

Are grocery store boxes safe for moving?

Large boxes from the grocery are generally safe for moving lightweight and non-fragile items. We don't recommend the smaller boxes.

However, they're most likely used, so don't rely too much on their free cardboard boxes as they might already be torn or worn out. Inspect them for cleanliness and sturdiness to ensure they're free from contaminants and damage.

You might use more bubble wrap just to secure your items, so don't close your door on paid boxes. Storing the right items the right way will help you save more money overall.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right boxes matters if you want to protect your items throughout your relocation. Rather than automatically buying new ones, why not explore green options and support from local communities? These choices guarantee a smooth move and highlight your dedication to being eco-friendly.

Patrick Mabilog

Article by

Patrick Mabilog

Patrick is the Business Development Officer of Easyhomes. He helps Australian homeowners connect with real estate and home industry experts who can help the homeownership or moving process easy.