End-of-Lease Cleaning: Is It Required in Victoria?

Updated March 21, 2024 · 5 min read

Is end-of-lease cleaning a requirement if you’re a renter in Victoria, Australia? The straightforward answer— yes, it is. But there’s more to it than most tenants and landlords think.

So, let’s take a deeper look at end-of-lease cleaning and all the requirements and legalities surrounding it.

4 Common Burning Questions About End-of-Lease Cleaning Requirements Answered

Common Burning Questions

These are some of the most common follow-up questions around end-of-lease cleaning requirements:

Is End-of-Lease Cleaning Required in Victoria?

Again, the simple and straightforward answer is yes, it’s required, especially in the state of Victoria. Moreover, there are actually policies in place to enforce this requirement. It’s part of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997. In the policy, it’s said:

At the end of the residency, the resident must leave the site, as far as practicable— (a) reasonably clean and tidy; and (b) in the same condition as when the resident entered into possession of the site, taking into account fair wear and tear to the site during the residency.

Basically, it’s the legal obligation of a tenant to ensure that the property remains clean and tidy during the period of their tenancy and after they leave the property. In addition to this public policy, most rental agreements will also contain this clause, which you will have had signed before you moved into the property.

Who Pays for End-of-Lease Cleaning?

In general, it’s the tenant's responsibility to secure the end-of-lease cleaning. That will generally include removing dust and dirt, sweeping and mopping surfaces, and restoring the property to the condition they received it in, minus any reasonable wear and tear.

However, landlords can't force their tenants to get a paid cleaning service at the end of their lease. Any clause added in a lease document that makes paying mandatory is unenforceable. But, given how stringent end-of-lease cleaning clauses are and how much work is involved to get it done, hiring an end-of-lease cleaner is often the best solution forward.

What Happens if I Don’t Get End-of-Lease Cleaning?

You will lose your rental bond if you don’t comply with end-of-lease cleaning requirements. Some landlords and real estate agents might also take legal action against you. They’re legally entitled to keep the bond if tenants don’t clean the property, and they will likely use that bond to hire a professional cleaning service.

What Happens if My Landlord Isn’t Satisfied?

The landlord’s satisfaction might be subjective. So, the most objective way to go about this is to check the inventory report before you move in, which landlords should provide and tenants should ask for before moving in.

If you don’t have one, then the best course of action is to ask the landlord for a checklist of cleaning points they want done before you move out. You can then furnish a copy for your end-of-lease cleaner or finish all the cleaning requirements yourself.

If your cleaning doesn’t match the required cleaning points, the landlord should give you another chance to comply before withholding the bond. If you hire a professional cleaner with a satisfaction guarantee, you can have them return at no cost to fulfill your landlord’s cleaning obligations.

Looking for End-of-Lease Cleaners in Victoria? We've got the directories you need:

Find End-of-Lease Cleaners In:
Altona Meadows Altona
Williamstown Newport
Altona North Seabrook
Laverton Spotswood
South Kingsville Seaholme
Brooklyn Williamstown North

How to Find an End-of-Lease Cleaner

How to Find an End-of-Lease Cleaner

If you want to find an end-of-lease cleaner to take care of your obligations, you’ll need to find the right one. That way, you secure the return of your full bond. Here’s how to find a reputable end-of-lease cleaner:

1) Check Reviews

Start by doing your homework on potential cleaning services. Online reviews and testimonials are the best resources to check cleaners’ quality of service, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

Look for reviews on various platforms, including Google, TrueLocal, and Facebook. Pay attention to customer reviews and comments about the cleaners' attention to detail, punctuality, and client communication. Reviews can highlight a cleaning service's strengths and weaknesses.

2) Get Multiple Quotes

Once you have a shortlist of potential cleaners, ask each for a quote for their end-of-lease cleaning services. Specify the size of your property and any specific requirements or areas that may need extra attention, as this will affect the quote.

Comparing quotes allows you to gauge the average market price for your needed service. Here’s an important reminder: the cheapest option is sometimes the best. Consider the services offered, reviews, and your interactions with the company when finalising your cleaner of choice.

3) Sign Up for End-of-Lease Directory Platforms

Numerous online directories and platforms are designed to help tenants find cleaning services. These platforms often provide detailed profiles of cleaning companies, including services offered, pricing, areas serviced, and customer reviews.

We highly recommend checking out Easyhome. Our localised directories of end-of-lease cleaners include some of the best in the field. We can even help you contact them and ask for quotes if you want. This can save you time and help you quickly find a vetted, reliable cleaner.

Final Thoughts

All this to say, end-of-lease cleaning is a requirement, and it falls on the tenant to complete it. But knowing your rights and responsibilities goes a long way. Hopefully, this guide clarifies everything for you.

We highly recommend looking for end-of-lease cleaners that can do the job right. They’ll cost you money but also secure your bond. Not to mention, they’ll save you a world’s worth of time and effort. What’s not to like about that?

Patrick Mabilog

Article by

Patrick Mabilog

Patrick is the Business Development Officer of Easyhomes. He helps Australian homeowners connect with real estate and home industry experts who can help the homeownership or moving process easy.